Age: 2 Months

Two months is a fun age; your baby is finally smiling at you interactively. It isn’t that your baby couldn’t smile before, it’s just that your baby’s vision has improved so dramatically in the past few weeks that he or she can see you well enough to consistently smile back at your funny faces. Your baby is cooing and responding to you and together, you’re finding your rhythm.

Two months is a fun age; your baby is finally smiling at you interactively. It isn’t that your baby couldn’t smile before, it’s just that your baby’s vision has improved so dramatically in the past few weeks that he or she can see you well enough to consistently smile back at your funny faces. Your baby is cooing and responding to you and together, you’re finding your rhythm.


  1. Car: Use an infant seat, in the back seat of the vehicle, rear facing (I like the 5-point harness style that allows you to pull the straps tight against the infant’s chest)

    1. For help securing the seat make an appointment with a Nationally Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician (to find a location nearest you visit

  2. Sleep:

    1. The crib is the safest place, slats less than 2 3/8 inches apart

    2. On your baby’s back (this is to reduce the risk of SIDS)

    3. No extra soft bedding (quilts, comforters), pillows, toys, positioners (these are also suffocation hazards)

  3. Water: heater less than 120 degrees F (to prevent scalding)

  4. Smoke: Keep home and car smoke free

  5. Sun: Limit sun exposure, wear sun protective clothing, too young for sunscreen


  1. Milk. Your baby’s nutritional needs are met at this age by milk, either breast milk or iron-fortified infant formula. Do not introduce cow’s milk until 12 months.

  2. If breastfeeding, your baby should be feeding approximately 6-10 feedings in a 24-hour period. Most babies will decrease to 5 or 6 feeds by the end of the third month (as they spread out the feedings and increase the volume). Continue to watch output and take your child in for regular weight checks/check-ups as these are the most reliable methods of ensuring your breastfed baby is getting enough to eat.

  3. If formula feeding, your baby should be taking about 24 ounces in a 24 hour period (typically 3-4 oz a feed, 6-8 times a day). Make sure the formula is iron fortified. As for which formula, nearly all infants can tolerate a regular formula without problem. Few medical indications call for hydrolyzed formulas. The latest and greatest in formulas is trying to imitate breast milk and this contains the ingredient DHA (claiming it is better for your baby’s brain).

  4. Supplements: Only needed if breastfeeding, give your baby Vit D 400 IU (international units) per day (to prevent Ricketts or soft bones).

  5. No straight water until 6 months of age.


  1. Most infants sleep a total of 14-17 hours in a 24 hour period

  2. Just starting to get a bit of a routine. To help:

    1. Try to keep room dark at night (use a nightlight if needed)

    2. Keep your baby calm and quiet when changing and feeding at night (limit talking and stimulation)

    3. Make daytime- playtime (lights on, talk with your baby)

  3. Most babies still swaddle to sleep at this age (imitating the womb environment)

  4. Typically going a 3-4 hour stretch at night before waking to feed


  1. Coos and makes sounds in response to parent

  2. Attentive to voices, sounds, visual stimuli

  3. Smiles

  4. Lifts head 45 degrees

  5. Can support chest on forearms


Do not put your baby to bed with a bottle. It establishes bad habits, causes “bottle rot” (have you seen the children with rotten teeth or capped teeth?), and is a choking hazard.


At this age you may treat fever and minor illnesses at home as long as your baby looks and acts ok. Bring your baby to the doctor if: symptoms are severe or prolonged, your infant isn’t eating well, your infant is particularly fussy, or you are concerned.


Your baby’s next well child check is at 4 months of age. The vaccines at that visit are the same as today: DtaP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis), IPV (inactivated polio), Hib (Haemophilus influenza type b), Hepatitis B, PCV-13 (covers 13 types pneumococcal disease), and Rotavirus (oral vaccine for viral diarrhea).

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